About Us

The Gold Care service is designed to meet the needs of self funded retirees who wish to access top quality care provided in the comfort and safety of their own home.

In-home care by health care professionals!

At KnG Gold Care, our knowledgeable and insightful team has worked with countless clients to ensure high-quality services and a commitment to continuously improve.

 Meet the team at KnG Gold Care who will be supporting you! 

KnG Gold Care

Our Team


— Director

Dr. Anuj Gupta

Dr Anuj Gupta is a co-founder of KnG Gold Care, part of the larger KnG Group with offices in Australia and internationally. The KnG Group of companies encompassing Healthcare, Education, Security, and Home Care, representing a diverse range of portfolios across several industries. KnG Group has been heavily involved in strategy and policy development in Australia in close association with the Federal Government, State & territorial governments and private sector.

While being a Medical practitioner,  Dr Gupta is recognised nationally and internationally as a leader in business development, growth and strategy.  Dr Anuj has received multiple National and international awards in recognition. He has spearheaded a diverse portfolio with private and public collaboration to establish a wide network of national and international operations. Constant innovation for solving national problems drives Dr Gupta. He alongside Mannu Kala have been recognised as 14/100 top young entrepreneurs in Australia in 2022. 

Dr. Anuj Gupta has a deep understanding of healthcare services and delivering quality patient care. He played a pivotal role in implementing Brisbane’s first Federal Respiratory Clinic during the onset of the pandemic. Throughout the entire pandemic, he managed several of the largest vaccination and testing sites. These achievements led to his receiving of the RACGP QLD General Practice of the year award in 2020 further recognising his commitment to quality, safe and discreet patient healthcare.  

— Director

Mannu Kala

Mannu Kala is a co-founder of KnG Gold Care, part of the larger KnG Group with offices in Australia and internationally. The KnG Group of companies encompassing Healthcare, Education, Security, and Home Care, representing a diverse range of portfolios across several industries.

 Mr Kala has established several medical companies employing thousands of people within the health sector. From being involved in the strategic response to COVID-19 with the Federal Government of Australia to owning medical and pathology companies, to being a key figure in the inception and implementation nationally of electronic health records, Mr Kala has a passion for finding solutions to complex issues in the health and medical space. It is this impressive experience and proclivity for positive patient outcomes that has driven Mr Kala to co-found KnG Gold Care, instilling core KnG Group values of caring & nurturing.

 Mannu has received multiple National and international awards in recognition of his achievements. He alongside Dr Gupta have been recognised as 14/100 top young entrepreneurs in Australia in 2022. 

— The Executive Team

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